Fill in the form...
We’ve designed this Health Check to help you quantify how you currently feel about your story and how confident you are in the way you currently describe your organisation. It’s a self-assessment exercise and there’s absolutely no right or wrong answers here, just honest ones.
The form below has 10 simple questions...
The questions break down core components of your story to examine your current strengths and weaknesses. We’ve also included some guidance on what your scores mean in the context of the course at the end of the form. This will help you understand where you are right now - even if you’re starting from scratch it can be a useful exercise to highlight areas to consider - and how to make the most of the exercises we’ll give you during the course. When you’re trying to improve, it’s great to get some clarity on where you think you are so you can see how far you’ve come later.
Complete the questions and we’ll send you your answers for future reference to whichever email address you enter on the form.
It will only take you 5 minutes, but we promise it will set you on a more informed path for the rest of the course...